
Before: 5
onlineTestTerminal (OTT) joined the public chat on server 80236.
BFTF: ok, done.
bicyclesonthemoonFromTwothousandFifteen (BFTF) left the public chat on server 80236.
OTT: Hi! Anyone out there?
OTT: I am out there!
OTT: Who was it?
OTT: It was taixzo!
artificialPerpendicularity (AP) joined the public chat on server 80236.
AP: Found you finally.
AP: He changed the settings. It was not easy to recreate them.
AP: An interesting setpoint he chose.
AP: but an empty one.
AP: I'm afraid you won't be able to talk to anybody here.
AP: But I see you already started talking to yourself.
AP: I think I have an idea what's going on here.
AP: I cannot, however, keep using these settings otherwise I will miss something.
AP: (I just wanted to find out)
AP: So I will not say much.
AP: Actually, I only have two words for you:
AP: hidden interface
artificialPerpendicularity (AP) left the public chat on server 80236.
onlineTestTerminal (OTT) left the public chat on server 80236.

"BSTA" by Balthasar Szczepański
Online interface v1.2.8 © Balthasar Szczepański; AGPL 3 license
source code