Invite TLF to join the game

You started a private chat with theLuckyFinder (TLF).
B: Hello.
TLF: Hello once again.
TLF: Did you have figured out the plan for your escape journey out of the moon?
B: Actually, yes.
B: But it involves some waiting.
TLF: Please explain how you will want to do escape by being wait.
B: Do you want a full detailed explanation or just the main idea?
B: Because even I don't really understand everything.
TLF: Start with the main idea in the beginning.
B: Ok.
B: So we figured out that we are able to obtain another one of the thing which moved us here before.
B: It is a single use object.
B: And we need 2 more.
B: To generate it here we must wait until whatever resource this system is using is restored.
B: We wasted some of it by performing some actions without thinking first.
TLF: You discovered a working device for building things there.
B: And objects, yes.
B: We don't really understand how all this works.
B: But it can make us the "single use final relocator".
B: Which is what transported us here in the first place.
TLF: So this is the first place now.
TLF: What you will want to do when waiting?

"BSTA" by Balthasar Szczepański
Online interface v1.2.8 © Balthasar Szczepański; AGPL 3 license
source code