Check again if the AP guy is online

Not only is he online,
he already started writing words to you.

artificialPerpendicularity (AP) started a private chat with you.
AP: Hello.
AP: Would you be interesting in playing a game?
AP: Interested, I mean.
B: Really?
B: In this situation you now propose to
B: play a game?
AP: Sorry, I understand that in your current circumstances it might not be appropriate to ask you for playing a game.
B: Actually, we wanted to ask you the same.
B: But you were offline.
B: And now I see that you appeared with exactly the same question that we wanted to ask you.
AP: I lost my computer.
AP: But now I have it again.
AP: But I still have to find it,
AP: But not now.

"BSTA" by Balthasar Szczepański
Online interface v1.2.8 © Balthasar Szczepański; AGPL 3 license
source code