Answer the telephone

[quote][center][size=200]Answer the telephone[/size]
[quote][color=#BB6622]FTH: That's me again.[/color]
[color=#BB6622]It works.[/color]
[color=#0057AF]B: What works?[/color]
[color=#BB6622]FTH: The number you gave me when I asked last time.[/color]
[color=#BB6622]I tried it and you successfully answered.[/color]
[color=#0057AF]B: We unsuccessfully tried to call you earlier.[/color]
[color=#BB6622]FTH: I was away.[/color]
[color=#BB6622]I returned the car.[/color]
[color=#BB6622]I put it where I found it.[/color]
[color=#BB6622]I have a feeling that this might not be actually be [i]my[/i] car.[/color]
[color=#BB6622]I returned on foot.[/color]
[color=#BB6622]I have seen one more car on my way back.[/color]
[color=#BB6622]But this time it was a different car.[/color][/quote]

"BSTA" by Balthasar Szczepański
Online interface v1.2.8 © Balthasar Szczepański; AGPL 3 license
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