
Joe: The real point is that at the beginning, the basic stuff has to be available.
Otherwise there is no fun.
So it would be easier to get and cheaper that it reasonably should.
Which means that the price doesn't make sense economically.
What if you try to abuse it?
If you can get something cheaper than it's really worth,
you can use this fact to maximise your profit.
Normally, the enonomy would stop this from being possible.
Always adapting to the current situation.
But you only have a simplified model.
The only thing stopping you is that the profit is too small to be worth the effort.
Time is important too.
But what if you used some scripts to automate it so that it happens by itself and do it on a planetary scale?
Then it starts making sense.
You just need an unlimited source of wood.


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"BSTA" by Balthasar Szczepański
Online interface v1.2.8 © Balthasar Szczepański; AGPL 3 license
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