ongtime: 1676458802 content-type: image/png command: Be inspired; resume achieving ambitious goals frametype: normal timer: 171 page: bsta-000540.htm ext: png height: 410 title: ? frame: bsta-000540.png width: 580 You really need to get your computer back. It doesn't really have to be [i]the same[/i] computer. It could be any computer with a CT card. If I'm not wrong, both the CT card and a compatible computer can be found in the catalogue of objects. This means that it is possible for you to obtain these things. You just need help from someone with object generator technology. So anyone who has access to object generators, environment manipulators, stuff like that. And this is exactly what you were investigating before you lost the computer. And if you didn't lose it, for sure you would be able to find out more. In other words, if you still had your computer, eventually you would be able to organise obtaining such a computer. And that's where the time dimension becomes important. Please think about this this carefully: If at any point of time you become able to organise the computer for yourself then you can organise obtaining the computer at any arbitrary point of time. Including an earlier point of time. Which means that you can get the computer first, and later use the computer for continued research and gathering of knowledge and information. until finally you can do whatever is needed to ensure having gotten the computer in the first place. This is my advice. That's all that I have for you.