page: bsta-000049.htm ext: png content-type: image/png command: ??? width: 580 timer: 33 frametype: normal title: Try to find out ongtime: 1487642402 height: 410 frame: bsta-000049.png [fq][br]TLF: In the connection method I have CTIF selected, not TPC/IP.[/br] [ni]B: That's bad news.[/ni] [ni]B: I don't even know what this "CTIF" is.[/ni] [ni]B: In my Coincidence the ctif module doesn't work.[/ni] [ni]B: But IIRC one of my friends told me something about ctif some time ago.[/ni] [ni]B: Or was it something else.[/ni] [ni]B: Maybe he can help us.[/ni] [ni]B: Because I have no idea what to do now.[/ni] [br]TLF: In my received files there is a file with ctif in the name.[/br] theLuckyFinder (TLF) sent you the file ogloc.ctif.txt [ni]B: Thanks.[/ni] [ni]B: Maybe someone on your place who knows himself on computers can help you?[/ni] [br]TLF: I don't think so.[/br] [br]TLF: I don't know any such people.[/br] [br]TLF: Computers aren't popular here.[/br] [br]TLF: It's not easy to be the only girl with a computer.[/br] [br]TLF: Nobody understands it.[/br] [ni]B: How did it happen that you do have a one?[/ni] [br]TLF: I found it.[/br][/fq]