page: bsta-000453.htm ongtime: 1629540002 frame: bsta-000453.gif ext: gif width: 580 frametype: normal height: 410 command: That's not a simple requirement, actually... title: ... timer: 171 content-type: image/gif [tq][br]Joe: The real point is that at the beginning, the basic stuff has to be [i]available[/i].[/br] [br]Otherwise there is no fun.[/br] [br]So it would be easier to get and cheaper that it reasonably should.[/br] [br]Which means that the price doesn't make sense economically.[/br] [br]What if you try to abuse it?[/br] [br]If you can get something cheaper than it's really worth,[/br] [br]you can use this fact to maximise your profit.[/br] [br]Normally, the enonomy would stop this from being possible.[/br] [br]Always adapting to the current situation.[/br] [br]But you only have a simplified model.[/br] [br]The only thing stopping you is that the profit is too small to be worth the effort.[/br] [br]Time is important too.[/br] [br]But what if you used some scripts to automate it so that it happens by itself and do it on a planetary scale?[/br] [br]Then it starts making sense.[/br] [br]You just need an unlimited source of wood.[/br][/tq]