height: 410 title: ... width: 580 timer: 58 content-type: image/png page: bsta-000158.htm frametype: normal command: ... ongtime: 1505934002 ext: png frame: bsta-000158.png [tq][po]FTH: Ah, the wonderful system of edukacja.CL.[/po] [po]"No more filling out papers.[/po] [po]You can acomplish everything through the internet."[/po] [br]B: That's true, technically... Only that later you have to print it and bring to them physically, even though they have it in their system.[/br] [po]FTH: They like redundancy...[/po] [br]B: There is one thing they did right. Signing up for things.[/br] [po]FTH: Unless they make everyone sign up at exactly the same time...[/po] [po]What's our plan now?[/po][/tq] Yeah, what's your plan?