command: That's silly. Find a better page content-type: image/png ongtime: 1502521201 page: bsta-000139.htm timer: 44 height: 410 width: 580 ext: png frametype: normal title: ... frame: bsta-000139.png [tq][br]Joe: Just great. Where did you get this catalogue?[/br] [ni]Joe: From our uncle.[/ni] [br]Joe: Maybe he will know something?[/br] [ni]Joe: I don't think so. He didn't know what to to with it so he gave it to me.[/ni] [br]Joe: Where did [i]he[/i] get it?[/br] [ni]Joe: From this big pile of object catalogues.[/ni] [br]Joe: What?[/br] [ni]Joe: Just kidding. He found it somewhere.[/ni][/tq]