onlineTestTerminal (OTT) joined the public chat on server 80236.
OTT: Molpy
OTT: Molpy
OTT: grapevine?
OTT: Grapevine!!
OTT: I hope there's some good cake. Mmm, cake....
OTT: There is cake? Why did nobody tell me about the cake?
OTT: Isn't there always cake?
OTT: Ahh,but what about cupcakes?
OTT: Yes, cupcakes are good! Let's send this guy some cupcakes to make him smile!
OTT: Here are some I found
OTT: The question now is: How do we send cupcakes to a different universe?
OTT: These words we're writing seem to be in the correct universe.
OTT: But how to do it with objects?
OTT: The other question is: when are we?
OTT: other other: and who?
OTT: everyone seems to be called OTT.
OTT: Are we all OTT?
OTT: Haven't we always ben?
OTT: Also, we're all using the onlineTestTerminal. :)
OTT: (stupid e-leop)
OTT: So we're not only all GLR but we're also all Ben?
OTT: Who is Ben?
OTT: Interestingly, someone did manage to send something:
OTT: ice cream
OTT: Ahh,but what about cupcakes?
OTT: I haven't been able to find anything resembling this chat client called coincidence, it may be too common a word to be useful given the information we have, but I found a website last updated in 1999 linking to a version of NASA's satelite monitoring network called coincidence, and I called coincidence networks and asked about their chat client, but it isn't named coincidence. I'm beginning to think B made this up.
onlineTestTerminal (OTT) left the public chat on server 80236.
Once again |
Before |
Unbefore |
Initially | (This interface is only a demo, a proof of concept. It is very limited. No autorefresh, no private chat, etc. For full functionality use the actual Coincidence client.)