onlineTestTerminal (OTT) joined the public chat on server 80236.
OTT: what's happening now?
AP: or some Coincidence hacker has set this up.
bicyclesonthemoon (B) joined the public chat on server 80236.
fredTheHacker (FTH) joined the public chat on server 80236.
FTH: and I thought I was the coincidence hacker ... :)
B: B: You were before changing the username.
B: Oh, wait, you changed it again?
FTH: I had to.
FTH: Also it was your suggestion IIRC.
FTH: also I would still be a better hacker :)
FTH: literally and figuratively
B: and that's why this pun is so funny
FTH: It's not.
FTH: It was funny in 2008 maybe.
FTH: But we're in the future now.
FTH: And things have changed
B: they changed so much
AP: I have no idea what all this is about
B: just some references to untranslatable puns which are apparently not funny anymore
AP: ok
bicyclesonthemoon (B) left the public chat on server 80236.
AP: anyway, I did not.
FTH: so who was the
fredTheHacker (FTH) left the public chat on server 80236.
AP: no idea
AP: oops, too late
onlineTestTerminal (OTT) left the public chat on server 80236.
Once again |
Before |
Unbefore |
Initially | (This interface is only a demo, a proof of concept. It is very limited. No autorefresh, no private chat, etc. For full functionality use the actual Coincidence client.)