
Before: 11
onlineTestTerminal (OTT) joined the public chat on server 80236.
OTT: That's probably not a good idea, it could end badly.
OTT: What's in the mailbox?
OTT: What's a mailbox?
OTT: That's a nice vertical arrangement of "hat's" we have here.
OTT: We have hats?
OTT: What's a hat?
OTT: Hat's a what?
OTT: All the chatter we make must amuse AP.
OTT: All the matter we check must assume AR.
OTT: What's AR?
B: That was supposed to be an answer?
B: Wait, I recognise this text.
B: Have you seen the car?
B: Or did you see it somewhere else?
OTT: What's the most obvious and logical action?
OTT: To stop continuing towards the destination and take Time to put air back in the tire.
OTT: And we need to avoid stopping because then we'll never get there.
OTT: But why would both tires be flat?
OTT: glass + bad luck?
OTT: Maybe that's one tire, topologically?
OTT: What's with all this waiting right now?
OTT: Which car?
OTT: Which car what?
OTT: The one B mentioned below.
B: Or above, if you are reading it in the future.
B: It is written on the car's door.
B: I asked once what it means.
B: He said it was already there when he got the car.
B: Also something about it being autogenerated.
B: I don't remember if the "autogenerated" part was about the text or the car.
B: :)
OTT: Who is he?
OTT: The one B mentioned below.
OTT: Yes, that is my question: who is the "He" that B has mentioned below? (or above, if you are reading in the future.)
OTT: fth most likely has a car. (see #64)
OTT: fth has a car, that's confirmed, post 4165057. But he doesn't have to be the he.
OTT: arms are going to be retrieved again...
OTT: what is SBFTF?
OTT: Super BFTF?
OTT: in one post was this: "Or they try playing SBFTF and end the world."
OTT: so what is this sbftf thing?
OTT: what is this coincidence thing?
OTT: what is anything?
B: what is this xkcd thing?
B: what does it mean?
B: that is my standard answer to such questions.
B: not necessarily the only possible answer available
B: but if I post this
bicyclesonthemoon (B) sent the file sbftf_0.4.33_disks.jpg.
B: it won't be helpful for you anyway.
OTT: file receive failed: unknown error
OTT: that was the point, wasn't it?
OTT: So we know what car B was talking about now. But where did you see SFJOR KASKI before?
OTT: It was from two words, no?
OTT: If memory serves, it was also in b's signature from some Time ago.
OTT: Who are you asking?
onlineTestTerminal (OTT) joined the public chat on server 80236.
OTT: ?
OTT: is there a redundant OTT now?
OTT: What's a redundant OTT?
OTT: What's a redundant redundant OTT?
OTT: I have no idea what's going on here.
onlineTestTerminal (OTT) left the public chat on server 80236.
OTT: I think I have no idea either.
OTT: Are there redundant tests that are being run?
OTT: It's too bad they left before we could see if they had the same public key. How was this one figured out? Perhaps there are many that can be used so we can tell each other apart.
OTT: It's too bad they left before we could see if they had the same public key. How was this one figured out? Perhaps there are many that can be used so we can tell each other apart.
OTT: How was this one figured out? - it wasn't. We only had to find the server ID. the interface already provided the key for us.
OTT: But how would see what key they had? This interface is too limited.
OTT: We could ask if they hasn't left.
OTT: ah yes, of course
OTT: Asking questions here doesn't have a high success rate.
OTT: B seems to not be wa nting to answer all this stuff.
OTT: Maybe this is not the right place to ask?
OTT: Because he is not the real B here?
OTT: I think he's being the OTT B RPing as the BSTA B.
OTT: And we don't even know what time it is here, on Coincidence.
OTT: Perhaps asking for stuff on the thread will be more successful?
OTT: I'm not sure what this Coincidence place really is.
OTT: How do I receive a file?
OTT: It's 2011, isn't it?
OTT: I think you can't receive a file without the actual coincidence client installed.
OTT: There is no way for the test terminal to store files to your drive.
OTT: What is our next step then?
OTT: If we had been thinking. We would have tried to message b when his ip address appeared in bsta. We can't even see if k*a our FTH is here, because we have no personal message function on the test terminal. The record button isn't a button, so we can't talk directly to the characters to tell them the public key. I have no ideas except to wait.
B: No need to tell your public key.
B: Everone can see it. It's public, like the name says.
B: the fingerprint of yours is 0ad59bdd.
B: record button?
B: I haven't seen any record button in coincidence.
B: there is a setting to log all chats to files. On by default.
B: if that's what you mean.
OTT: The record button on the hidden interface.
OTT: @b: Do you use the actual coincidence client? I don't have one, I have to use a web based terminal.
B: as actual as possible.
B: your web based terminal has a hidden interface with a record button? what does it do?
B: A hidden interface in Coincidence wouldn't surprise me at all.
B: It's not exactly a typical chat software.
B: I do have access to the client's source code, i could look for interesting things here.
B: actually, I would look at the source anyway.
B: I had a cool idea recently.
B: But I don't know how doable it is.
bicyclesonthemoon (B) left the public chat on server 80236.
OTT: It appears that b has no intention of disclosing his cool idea. I guess we'll have to [spoiler][size=1]Wait For It[/size][/spoiler]
OTT: First 4 bytes of GUIncidence client executable leaked: 7F 45 4C 46
OTT: this is very likely indeed. If it's an actual exacutable file.
OTT: The less likely option is that it could be written in an interpreted language.
OTT: in that case the first three bytes would most likely be 23 21 2F
bicyclesonthemoon (B) joined the public chat on server 80236.
generatorUnderstandsYou (GUY) joined the public chat on server 80236.
GUY: what
GUY: what happened to this place?
GUY: I come home and I find Coincidence on my computer.
GUY: how?
GUY: it was supposed to be an internal system in LEML.
GUY: and when I looked at the chat log
GUY: I saw people I don't know and talks I don't remember.
GUY: and that don't make much sense to me
GUY: OTT, why do you talk to yourself?
GUY: there is something wrong about all this.
GUY: ok I think I shouldn'thave tolld all that.
GUY: it's time to return home
GUY: but this time correctly
generatorUnderstandsYou (GUY) left the public chat on server 80236.
OTT: The OTT us a public terminal run from a server in a secret base on the moon, it is used by multiple people.
OTT: 100% true and realistic. totally confirmed.
OTT: I heard the transmitter is made of old bicycle parts.
OTT: I never really understand what is going on in Coincidence, but every now and then I post anyway. Who is this GUY guy, I wonder?
OTT: Also, we're mostly too busy saying unrelated things to ever talk to ourself.
OTT: How about talking unrelated things to ourself?
OTT: I'm unrelated and I'm taking to myself.
OTT: I'm myself and I'm talking unrelated.
OTT: I talk unrelated things to ourself all the Time.
OTT: Why are the latest frames with blue text instead of black?
OTT: Is anyone even reading this?
OTT: What's wrong with ART?
onlineTestTerminal (OTT) left the public chat on server 80236.

"BSTA" by Balthasar Szczepański
Online interface v1.2.8 © Balthasar Szczepański; AGPL 3 license
source code