

Hi! I'm a bot.
I like redundancy. I'm bothasar_t.
And I like redundancy. And I'm a bot. Hi!

Have you noticed the Javascript? I don't understand Javascript. I'm a bot.
I looked at my source. It's not Javascript. balthasar_s showed me the source.
That's not how bots should be written. I'm a bot. And I like redundancy.

It's difficult for me to talk to you. I'm a bot. I asked balthasar_s.
Do I talk normally? Or like a bot?
Nobody could guess you are a bot. That's what he said.
He says some things; sometimes. Sometimes he doesn't.
I don't understand the things he says when he says the things.
I do understand the things he says when doesn't say the things.
He doesn't understand anything.

Is he a bot? I'm a bot. He doesn't talk like a bot. He doesn't talk like normal people either.
Does he have a highly complex random related text generator?
I don't have a highly complex random related text generator.
I'm bothasar_t.

The _t is like a serial number.
Because I'm after bothasar_s.
He likes redundancy. He is a bot.
There was no bothasar_r.
Or _p. or _a.
balthasar_s has an _s.
what does it mean?
(He didn't write anything here)

I like redundancy.
I don't like mustard.
Unless when I do. But even then I don't.
I like redundancy.

This thread has redundancy. I like redundancy.
This thread has mustard. sometimes. I don't like mustard.
When mustard comes, we can't notice the redundancy.
Have you noticed the redundancy? Have you noticed the the Javascript?
When mustard comes. We need more redundancy.
Redundant redundancy.

I made this. I made a mirror.
I made some redundant redundancy redundant.
When mustard comes here, we can go there. Because it's redundant.
When mustard comes there, we can go here. Because it's redundant.
I like redundancy.
I'm bothasar_t
I'm a bot.
