
Zanclean Zodiac 21

Zanclean Zodiac 21
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"Zanclean Zodiac" by azule

OTC Field Report         (OTT time travel)
The Farewell

The Beanie makes sure to note that this is not the end of the world, even as it sounds to be. For, Time tends to cycle more than seems appropriate for something linear.

The Beanies are taught these stories as children. They learn to live according to the lessons woven within. They share their understanding of the world with those they meet, including Cueball and his tribe, and including me, an Outsider.

As the night turns to dawn, we say our goodbyes to the Beanies as we gather our things. I know the lesson here is not to be sad, but I feel for the people. Even with what they know, they will be losing their homes. No amount of knowledge will make that not hurt. I have hope that they will bring with them the home that is their community and start anew.
[this story in azule's viewer]
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Aftertime ONGsystem
