
Zanclean Zodiac 0a

Zanclean Zodiac 0a
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"Zanclean Zodiac" by azule

OTC Field Report         (OTT time travel)
The story goes that ᓭᐧᘈᖉᕋ was simply gathering nuts. One nut got away, rolling down a gentle slope. It stopped under the root of a dying tree. When ᓭᐧᘈᖉᕋ went to gather its last nut, it gnawed on that root so that it could reach it. Happily having retrieved the nut, ᓭᐧᘈᖉᕋ headed back to its lively tree. The dying tree, no longer stable, fells itself. It slowly began to roll down this gentle slope. Faster and faster it went until it is stopped by the biggest rock.
[this story in azule's viewer]
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Aftertime ONGsystem
