

[ original | blue | very blue | no fading ]
|< 0 < 585 587 > 1416 >|
22.02.2014, 16:00 UTC
Did you notice …         (OTT time travel)
… the Time travel?
BlitzGirl and HES noticed Megan saying: “So we can return the maps, finally."
Actually, Megan didn't say that before t1i-0588, but there was some video/audio mustard which caused newpixbot to fetch the dialogue from the future. When the mustard got fixed, it left a time loop causing BlitzGirl to comment on a future event.
Did you notice …         (OTT time travel)
… the colour?
This frame is the beginning of the first scene where colour (dark blue) will appear. To make the transition more subtle, the file format changes from greyscale PNG to colour PNG for all files in this scene, not just those which actually have colour.
[this frame in mscha's viewer]
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Aftertime ONGsystem
